Of course, everyone wants the best bedroom curtains. But few realize that bedroom curtains need more than just aesthetics. We can't deny that it's desirable for the bedroom curtains and drapes to look beautiful. But there's a lot more to it. Unfortunately, people undermine the importance of other factors and end up regretting later.

Let's be clear. Bedroom curtains significantly affect your sleep and overall mood, and mental health. Studies have established that light is among the most pivotal factors affecting sleep. There's a reason that blackout curtains for bedrooms are so popular. Yes! The blackout curtains can really improve your sleep quality.

Here's what you need to keep in mind. Bedroom curtains don't merely tie the bedroom interiors together. They also influence the circadian rhythm. To put it in simple terms, there's a lot more that you need to consider than just going for beautiful curtains for the bedroom. So, how do you ensure that you get the best curtains for your bedroom? Let's find out!

The fabric matters

First things first, let's talk about what material the bedroom curtains should be made of. Cotton curtains are among the most popular choices, and understandably so. It's a light and breathable fabric that's quite easy to take care of.

Additionally, cotton curtains are machine-washable, making it easier for you to maintain their appearances. But there's one problem with cotton curtains. They don't look luxurious enough. And they aren’t really the best blackout curtains. If you are going for the luxury vibe for your bedroom, silk can be a good choice.

But keep in mind that silk curtains will be challenging to take care of and tend to be quite expensive. If that wasn't enough, water and UV damage becomes apparent on silk curtains faster than others.

Velvet is another option that you can consider. This one is heavy and works quite well to insulate the windows. Those who sleep late or have rooms with exposure to direct sunlight prefer thermal blackout curtains, and velvet is an excellent choice for the purpose. Velvet curtains also ensure optimal privacy. However, they accumulate dust easily, so you will need to put in a bit of work to maintain their appearances.

Those who want the perfect combination of style and affordability can go for polyester curtains. These are budget-friendly, not to mention low maintenance. People are reluctant to buy polyester curtains because the material is flammable. But let's face it. The bedroom isn't really the place for open flames.

Linen is an environmentally-friendly option for bedroom curtains. But it's a tad bit more expensive and tends to wrinkle easily.

Which color to go for?

What color would be ideal for your bedroom curtains? Should you settle for dark curtains for the bedroom? Or a cool tone will be more preferable. A lot of people struggle with this, so let's make it easier for you.

You have to determine the colors that will complement your bedroom interiors. If your bedroom has cool tones, it's best to go for cool curtains for the bedroom. Typically, it's best to avoid bright colors in rooms with direct sunlight entry. The curtain's color will fade due to the natural light. In such cases, patterned curtains work best.

If you can't determine which color to go for, try to visualize your curtains blending with the room's layout. Study your wall color closely and go for a darker shade of the same color. If you want the curtains to be the center of attention, go for something having high contrast with the walls. Keep in mind that if the curtains are too light, they might fail to block the light out. So, if you want blackout curtains, go for darker shades.

The curtain patterns

Curtains can add much-needed visual appeal and boldness to the bedroom. It's advisable to go for layered curtains having a pattern that goes well with the view. The design should enhance the view. There's a reason that eyelet curtains are so in demand. Eyelet curtains are the ideal choice if you are going for a monochromic look for your bedroom and really tie the whole thing together.

On the other hand, pencil pleat curtains add a bit of zeal to the room. The best thing about pencil pleat curtains is that they add weight to the interiors and manage to generate attention.

Lined curtains add drama to the room. Additionally, it’s nearly impossible to miss the effect of lined curtains. So, if you want your curtains to get attention, lined curtains are undoubtedly a sound choice.

While determining whether you should go for blackout eyelet curtains or some other type of layered curtains, soak in the vibe of your bedroom. Try to visualize the look you are going for. This will make it easier for you to arrive at a conclusion.

The length to go for

Let's say you have the best-layered curtains. What size should you get them in? Are you looking for hanging curtains? Or do you want something that forms a puddle?

You will find three types of curtain lengths in the market, including puddle, floor, and apron. Apron curtains are usually preferred for windows that are frequently opened. These hanging curtains are crisp and open without any fuss. Eyelet curtains are usually ideal for this one as they open and close with minimal effort. You can also go for floor length if you want hanging curtains to make your ceiling look taller. Pencil pleat curtains are better for this purpose.

Take the hardware into account

Let's not forget about the hardware while focusing on the bedroom curtains. You have to ensure that the curtain rod is able to hold the weight of your selected fabric. At the same time, it should give an elevated look. The fixture shouldn't stand out but blend in with the curtain.

Get the best bedroom curtains now

There's no shortage of options when it comes to luxury curtains. However, for the bedroom, it's best to go for something easy to maintain. This is why cotton curtains are among the most appealing choices, and polyester curtains are so famous.

There's only one thing you have to ensure, quality. There's a reason that luxury brands like Catherine Lansfield curtains are high in demand. They last for ages. Go for something that will look as good as new for a long time to come. Slumber Suite can help you with this.